Friday, May 31, 2019
The Circulatory System Essay -- essays research papers
The Circulatory SystemThe circulatory system in anatomy and physiology is the course taken bythe declination through the arteries, capillaries, and veins and sustain to the heart. In world and the higher vertebrates, the heart is made up of four chambers the castigate and left auricles, or atria, and the right and left ventricles. The rightside of the heart pumps oxygen-poor riptide from the cells of the body back to thelungs for new oxygen the left side of the heart receives fund rich in oxygenfrom the lungs and pumps it through the arteries to the various parts of thebody. Circulation begins previous(predicate) in fetal life. It is estimated that a givenportion of the product line completes its course of circulation in approximately 30seconds.Pulmonary circulation is where the blood from the entire body istransported to the right auricle through two large veins. The superior vena cavaand the inferior vena cava. When the right auricle contracts, it forces theblood through an opening into the right ventricle. condensing of this ventricledrives the blood to the lungs. Blood is prevented from returning into theauricle by the tricuspid valve, which completely closes during condensate ofthe ventricle. In its passage through the lungs, the blood is oxygenated, thatis, then it is brought back to the heart by the four pulmonary veins, whichenter the left auricle. When this chamber contracts, blood is forced into theleft ventricle and then by ventricular contraction into the aorta. The bicuspid,or mitral, valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the auricle, and thesemilunar valves at the beginning of the aorta stop it from flowing back intothe ventricle. Similar valves are present in the pulmonary artery.The aorta break opens into a number of main branches, which in turn divideinto smaller ones until the entire body is supplied by an elaborately branchingseries of blood vessels. The smallest arteries divide into a fine network ofstill more minute vess els, the capillaries, which have extremely thin wallsthus, the blood is enabled to come into close relation with the fluids andtissues of the body. In the capillaries, the blood performs three functions thenit releases its oxygen to the tissues, it furnishes to the body cells thenutrients and other essential substances that... ...itiating the heartbeat. The contraction then spreads over the auricles inthe septum between the auricles, it excites another node called the atrioventricular node. The auriculoventricular bundle conducts the impulsefrom this node to the muscles of the ventricles, and in this way contraction andrelaxation of the heart are coordinated. Each phase of the cardiac cycle isassociated with the production of an electrical potential that nookie be recordedby electrical instruments to produce a reading known as an electrocardiogram.Circulation of the blood in superficial capillaries can be observedunder the microscope. The red blood cells can be seen moving along rapidly inthe middle of the blood current, while the egg white cells advance more slowly alongthe walls of the capillaries. The capillaries present a far larger surface withwhich the blood comes in contact than do other blood vessels end because theyconsequently offer the greatest resistance to the progress of the blood, theyhave a great influence on the circulation. Capillaries expand when temperaturerises and help to cool the blood then they contract in cold and help preserveinternal heat.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
Abe Lincoln was Americas 16th president. He had served from 1861-1865 he had a fault president his name was Hannibal Hamlin. He had supported the Republican Party. Which means he believed each person is responsible for his/her own rights in society. Abe was 52 at the bag of his presidency.Abe had little to no know takege of anything, exclusively he had a very strong interest in books this is where he obtained most of his knowledge. So you could say that Abe was a self-taught man. When Abe was a kid he had a variety of jobs such as a shopkeeper, a surveyor and postmaster. For a while he even chopped wood. subsequently that he had started his place in the government. He won a seat in the Illinois legislature when he was 25.Abe served in Illinois for several terms when he had served in Illinois he had started to study to became a lawyer. He had ended up running for U.S congress. He eventually ended up winning the seat. Abe served as a interpreter for one term. A term is approximatel y 2 years. He tried to run for senate. Abe did not win. When he did run though his concern for slavery caught approximately peoples attention. In 1860 Abe ran for president. He was fairly new in the Republican Party which back then had a meaning that the northern states didnt allow any states to succeed from the US. Or in other words leave the country and form there own. They were also against slavery.Abe was inaugurated in 1861which means he became president. The southern states did not want Abe to be president. Abe didnt want slavery so all the southern states were getting mad because slaves could go to the north and be free. Before Abe officially became president the southern states began to succeed. The first to leave was South Carolina. Soon 6 more would leave ... ...d been bumped to General-in-chief of the whole union army.Grant led the union army against Robert E. Lee in Virginia. The both of them battled for over a year with grant winning over Lee in Virginia ion April 9th 1865 Grant offered about generouse terms for the confederate army so that they did completely destroy the south and there army.When Grant took office his popularity becamne more thatn ever before but when he tried to rin for his third term he was accused that his whole presidency was a scandal. Many of the people in his administration had stolen from the gaverment. After he didnt win his third term he decied he should travel the world and meet all the countries leaders. Upon returning he tried to run for offcice again but was unsuccessful. So he started to write an auto biography. He later had died of throat cancer due to smoking cigars his whole life.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Magic Realism in Wise Children by Angela Carter Essay -- Wise Children
Magic Realism in sharp Children by Angela CarterMagical realism is a primarily Latin American literary movement fromthe 1960s onwards, which integrates realistic portrayals of theordinary with elements of fantasy and myths. The result of this is arich but disturbing world that appears at once to be really dreamlike.The term magical realism was first used by German art critic, FranzRoh, who said it was a way of depicting the enigmas of reality andliterary critic Isabel Allende has said that in magic realism we findthe transformation of the common and the everyday into the awesome andthe unreal. It is predominantly an art of surprises. Time exists in a motley of fluidity and the unreal happens as part of reality. Once thereader accepts the fait accompli, the rest follows with logicalprecision.Many critics have associated Angela Carters style of writing withmagical realism, a term which refers to a writer portraying imaginaryor improbable elements in a realistic, ordinary way. The no velconforms to the device of magical realism by the use ofreferences and allusions to Shakespeare there are five chapters, justas there are always five acts in a Shakespearian comedy Dora and Nora brave out on Bard Road art imitates life when Ranulph plays Othello, latercatches his wife in bed with someone else and kills them and himselfalso, Tiffany is a reflection of Ophelia, driven mad by love, when shehas a breakdown on a live TV game show there are disguises, twins,mistaken identities and love problems, all key elements ofShakespearean comedy. This kind of intertextuality is a subtlemanifestation of magical realism. All the Shakespearean-stylevillainy, comic relief and intricate plot elemen... ...down to earth when Doramentions that a zookeeper came soon after with a net to recapture thebeautiful insects. This is a perfect example of magical realism.As mentioned before, magical realism has its dark and disturbing side,and this is apparent in Wise Children. When Saskia, Doras enemy, is alittle girl, she is seen savagely devouring the carcass of a roastedswan. Later in life, Saskia becomes a TV cook and seems to takesadistic pleasure in disembodying animals.Magical realism is combined with carnivalesque literature in WiseChildren to create a flamboyant, theatrical world within a humble, glaring reality. Both genres compliment each other in the novel, asboth involve fantasy-like events and nightmarish imagery, andelaborate, rational explanations are used by Carter to encouragereaders to allow their disbelief, if only for a moment.
Class Conflict in Britain :: Politics Political
Class Conflict in Britain Class conflict has gradually been diluted by growing affluence. The story of all hitherto existing societies is the history of classstruggle. This famous opening line from Marx Communist Manifestorefers to the struggle between the labouring, working classes and thebourgeoisie owners of the means of production. The proletariat areexploited by the capitalists for profit and are therefore forced tolive in poverty and dire conditions. Marx predicted that eventually theproletariat would overthrow this capitalist system and replace it witha system which is often referred to as Communist - whereby the actors allow control. Today, whenever the words class or class conflict arementioned people usually turn to Marx definition and picture the poorworker fighting for better pay, better living and working conditions.The typical class conflict is typified as workers versus the owners, orbourgeoisie.In Britain this struggle did non develop in the way that Marx predicted- there has never been a genuine proletariat revolutionary threat. Inits place has been a tradition of reformist socialism with the Labour troupe and the Trades Unions being the main campaigners. In Britain thetraditional class conflict is often depicted as Labour Party versusConservative Party. The Labour Party have fought for workers rights andhave been supported at elections by the working class, whereas theConservatives have drawn most of their support from the middle classes.It is argued that today this traditional class conflict, depicted in nobetter fashion than the Miners Strike of 1984, has been diluted bygrowing affluence. In otherwords the working class have becomeeconomically better off. They were addicted the right to buy councilhouses, to own shares and have, it is argued, become more middle class.The working class today have a lot more to lose in a fierce classstruggle and are therefore happy to uphold the system. The huge declinein the traditional industries, such as coal, has coincided with a risein the size of the non- manual, service industry - the sphere in whichthe middle classes tend to be employed. In 1964 50% of the workforcewere employed in the manual sector, compared to 36% in 1992. Thesefigures coincide with a 15% rise in the non-manual, petty bourgeoisiejobs.Whilst there may be some truth in this embourgeoisement theory,there is overly no doubting the fact that it is an exaggerated view. Tosay that we are all middle class (Blair 1998) is an absurdity. Classconflict may have been subdued but not only because of growingaffluence. The capitalists have managed to silence what was once a
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Elie Wiesels Night: Reaction Paper :: essays research papers
Night Reaction Paper1 p. 78This is the scene where Elie is in the hospital transgress of the camp because of the operation that he has just had done to his foot. After Elie and his father decide to stay, leave the hospital, and be evacuated with the rest of the camp, he explains how he found disclose that the Russians liberated the rest of the people in the hospital two days after the evacuation. This part absolutely floored me because I couldnt imagine first, making that big a decision, and secondly, conclusion out that the decision changed the course of your life forever was a huge shocker. I couldnt even imagine finding that out and not being frustrated with myself.2 p. 87This is the part of the book where Rabbi Eliahou is looking for his son. He asks Elie if he has seen him, and Elie suddenly remembers that he did see him, and that he was in fact trying to lose his father in the midst of everyone running because he had become too much of a burden. This scene very affected me because I thought that it was horrible the way that a son would give up on his father and completely throw away the relationship that he has with him because of the conditions that they were going through. Since I have such a valued relationship with my mother, I could never imagine leaving her like that, but I guess that everyone changes drastic eithery after being put through the torture that these people went through.3 p. 94This is the scene where the S.S. comes into the cattle cars and orders that the Jews throw out all of the lifeless. After they rob the dead men of their clothes, they see Elies father. Some of the men try to throw him outside, even though he isnt dead yet, but only Elie knows that. After arguing with the men, Elie shows the men that his father is breathing weakly and is still alive. I couldnt ever imagine having to fight with somebody to save my mother when she was still alive. In that situation, I think I would have just broken down a lo ng time ago. I dont think that I could have lasted as long as Elie did in the camps.
Elie Wiesels Night: Reaction Paper :: essays research papers
Night Reaction Paper1 p. 78This is the scene where Elie is in the infirmary part of the camp because of the operation that he has just had make to his foot. After Elie and his grow decide to stay, leave the hospital, and be evacuated with the rest of the camp, he explains how he found out that the Russians liberated the rest of the people in the hospital two days after the evacuation. This part absolutely floored me because I couldnt imagine first, making that big a termination, and secondly, finding out that the decision changed the course of your life forever was a huge shocker. I couldnt even imagine finding that out and not being frustrated with myself.2 p. 87This is the part of the book where Rabbi Eliahou is looking for his son. He asks Elie if he has suckn him, and Elie suddenly remembers that he did see him, and that he was in fact trying to lose his father in the midst of everyone running because he had become too much of a burden. This scene really affected me because I thought that it was horrible the bureau that a son would give up on his father and completely throw away the relationship that he has with him because of the conditions that they were going through. Since I make water such a valued relationship with my mother, I could never imagine leaving her like that, but I guess that everyone changes drastically after being instal through the torture that these people went through.3 p. 94This is the scene where the S.S. comes into the cattle cars and orders that the Jews throw out all of the dead. After they rob the dead workforce of their clothes, they see Elies father. Some of the men try to throw him outside, even though he isnt dead yet, but only Elie knows that. After arguing with the men, Elie shows the men that his father is breathing weakly and is still alive. I couldnt ever imagine having to fight with someone to save my mother when she was still alive. In that situation, I think I would have just broken down a long time ago. I dont think that I could have lasted as long as Elie did in the camps.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Rap Music
Daniel Cha English T/TR 7am 27 Febuarany 2013 Essay 1 Raps Opposing views When it comes to defining ping medication, some define it as poetry in the form of music. Even though rap music is thought of as a form of art, it is passing debated as a controversial affectionate issue. Author Sid Kirchheimer from Does rap put teens at risk makes a claim that rap music is a detriment to our youth. He believes that negative behaviors is the outcome of heap watching and listening to rap music. Author Curtis Aron from Rap Music Is It As Bad As Some People Think? Thinks otherwise and claims that rap music is looked at as a whole and is outstandingly misunderstood. Aron explains that the genre of rap music is blanketed by its touristed view of being a negative form and is being greatly misunderstood. Using the Toulmin model of argument, both arguments removeer very good reasons why their arguments provide persuasive inference about the different perspectives of rap music. Kirchheimers warrant is, that initially rap music automatically leaves a questioning strains in peoples mouth. Kirchheimers view on rap is that because teens watch so frequently television receiver they ar exposed to what he calls reel life of a gangsta. By watching these rap videos, they are more likely to practice the behaviors they represent off their favorite rap artists or rap music video. He claims that because of long hours of exposure to rap music teenagers are starting to behave like what they see on television. His grounds offer truths because his claim of watching rap videos is backed with statistically data. He says, Researchers found that compared to those who never or rarely watched these videos, the girls who viewed these gangsta videos for at least 14 hours per week were far more likely to practice numerous destructive behaviors.Over the course of the one-year study, they were three measure more likely to concern a teacher, over 2. 5 times more likely to get arrested, tw ice as likely to have multiple sexual partners and 1. 5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, usedrugs, or drink alcohol. Rap initially does leave a bad taste in people mouths, the quote provides statistical assure that supports why people should and would despise it. Aron, with his own warrant states, that genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence.Aron says that Rap music has long had a reputation of being a form of music that represents violence, sexual growth and excess. The genre has been criticized in the media, associated with some of the nations social ill and seen by a good number of people as bad on citizens in general. He first goes against his own viewpoints to prove that he understands the issue. He provides a counterargument to prove he is a reliable source about how rap rat be seen as a social ill. Arons use of the Toulmin argument continues as he offers his rebuttal and backing by saying, not all rap musi c is bad music.Aron states, There is some rap music that is created with the intention of sending a positive message to its audience. There are songs that denounce violence and call for more peace and togetherness in the inner city in an attempt to improve the quality of life. Some truth that the author stresses is how there is positive rap and it potful serve as a purpose of improving social consciousness. An example rap gathering he uses to provide evidence to his backing is a group named The East Coast AllStars. He supports this group because it adds qualification that not all rap music is bad music.But most importantly because the group understands that music is highly influential, so they really push and write songs that gives positive influence to these communities that are being run by violence, sex, and drug exploitations. Kirchheimer also reveals that he understands both posts of the defer field by stating a counterargument of his own. He says that, Parents need to k now what their children are being exposed to. Certainly, rap is not the only music that portrays negative stereotypes or can negatively impact behaviors, and not all rap music should be implicated.But there have been nearly 1,000 studies that have looked at the effects. Kirchheimer shows a weak side by admitting that not all rap music should be implicated. He is rationale and does admit that all rap music is not the case. How he collects himself is by telling readers to be aware that the studies about the effects are true. He also uses emotional evidence by explaining that parents especially should be aware of what their children are watching and listening too. Arons reaction to Kirchheimer response is that he recognizes that people are so influenced by rap music.People especially children see these rappers and replicate their behaviors. Curtis Aron spills one grand secret that most of the things rappers and artist say they do are bias. Aron writes, Many times, the rap artist is c reating a fictionalized account of certain events for the purpose of intriguing and socialise people and sometimes uses characters to facilitate those accounts This is no different from other forms of entertainment, in particular, the movie industry. When our favorite actor portrays a gun toting, drug using, highly sexual character in a movie, it is not seen as degenerate. He gives a broader and new perspective on how people should view these fictional characters. Rappers are much like fictional characters from movies. He explains that the things they do such as gun toting, drug using, and sexual innuendos are all for the purpose of intriguing and entertaining people. In the highly debated argument of rap music being a controversial issue, both Kirchheimer and Aron are identifying themselves as a scholarly source about the subject of rap music. Both understand and access reliable information to be used as a notable source.Through the Toulmin model argument, both Sid Kirchheimer and Curtis Aron provide great strengths and explore the topic of rap to educate readers about their views. Kirchheimer states, that initially rap music automatically leaves a bad tastes in peoples mouth and provides good warrants and evidence to back his view. However, Aron proves that his argument is stronger as he educates that the readers that his warrant, the genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence. He gives evidence of both for and against the issue and expands over Kirchheimers argument.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Godââ¬â¢s Wrath Essay
1. To whom is the sermon addressed?To congregation, people who gather and practice religious worship.2. According to Edwards, why is God ireful?Beca intention people are evil and loathsome sinners and gods choler is never ending and high-handed.3. Reread the sixth paragraph. What people, according to Edwards, are not in the hands of this angry God? How is this submit achieved?People who have reformed their life in many ways and have had religious affections, along with keeping forms of religion withing you house and families as come up as in the house of god.4. Figurative language is language that cannot be taken literally since it was written to produce a certain effect. Edwards makes effective use of figurative language as he speaks of God s wrath. Find three shells of his use of figurative language and explain why they are effective.The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present The bow of Gods wrath is bent, and the arrow made ready on the string, an d rightness bends the arrow at your heart and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf Edward uses the word wrath many times, meaning intense fury. Thus, repeating the word he creates a sharp piercing tone that hits you hard. He creates great fear from the second example especially by mentioning that the arrow is pointed directly at ones heart. These metaphors, and figurative language are not hard to understand. Edward meant for it to be this way. One should understand the wrath of god, and lie with fear, know that eternal perish can be cast upon you with a flick. He mainly uses imagery, rhetorical strategies, and repittion to convey his piercing and fearful tone.5. Using the magnetic inclination of tone words as a guide, make a list of 20 words in this selection that produce tone or attitude.Misery, dreadful, wrath, avail, wickedness, contrivance, prudence, sovereign, corruption, fury, destruction, chaff, rapid , vengeance, treasuring, fierceness, inconceivable, omnipotent, stoutest, endure.6. How does Edwards sermon reflect the ideals of this time period?He reflects the ideals as very believing. Believing in good and evil, along with higher powers and an after life. Showing that the people were and then very religious. It also reflects ideals about religion controlling a way of life and that the more religious someone is the more respected and higher up they are. He expands on various things but sticking with main and strict religious principles showing us many things about how people would find this and react.7. excuse how his sermon connects to a concept or theme in The Crucible. They both have to deal with sinning, and the consequences that come with it. The wrath, and fury which should spread fear. Both have funny tones witch go straight to the heart then to the brain. Reaching an ultimate piercing effect amplified by fear which is wrath induced.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Factors Contributing the Unplanned Pregnancy Among College Students Essay
Being a mother is the most important and challenging role for a charr. A woman should be financially and emotionally prep ar to get pregnant, give birth, and raise her child. However, at present there are many risks of unwanted pregnancy among childly female university students, as the majority of todays university students progress to prematurely eng timed in sexual intercourse. Consequently, without preparation, some of them face with unwanted pregnancy go studying.Unwanted pregnancy among university students female genitalia cause many serious problems which net affect the body, mind, and social status of female university students who are not yet ready to be a mother. Unwanted pregnancy sometimes forces university female students to face a tragic or dead end in their lives. They are anxious as they cant solve the problem and their parents may not accept this. Some female students may finally seek illegal abortion which can cause their lives.Even though they do not termin ate their pregnancy, some of them are too boylike to give birth and they may have problems of miscarriages or great pains and difficulties when giving birth. These can affect the health of both the mothers and their children. Pregnant university students in some way are directly or indirectly forced to quite their studies to stay at home until they give birth. These unprepared young mothers often inevitably encounter financial problems.Stress and worries can harm their mentality. Many of them lack knowledge to deal with the problem and dont know how to take care of their children. The problem can be two-folded. Typically, young people aged 10-20 years are not ready to become parents. Both financial stability and emotional maturity are the problem for parenting or caring responsibilities. Getting back into the education system is very difficult. University female students have to worry about losing the educational opportunities.They have to quit university to escape the pressures of rules of order while university male students can still go to university regularly. Therefore, women are responsible for the problem unilaterally and live in society difficulty. Unwanted pregnancy among university students is caused by sexual intercourse which is they will be pregnant while they are not ready in all aspects. So, they should realize that unwanted pregnancy can cause many serious problems. Despite modern methods of family planning, and idespread information about how to use it, unplanned pregnancy is one of the most common medical problems face up by sexually active women under 45.Abortion, the most usual solution to the problem of unplanned pregnancy, is the most common operation among women in the fertile age range. It is impossible to calculate precisely just how many pregnancies each year are accidental. When medical sociologist, Anne Fleissig, asked a number of women who had given birth six weeks antecedently about whether their pregnancy was planned, she foun d that 31 percent of them were not.She concluded in a paper subsequently published in the British Medical journal that almost a third of births could be the consequence of accidental pregnancies. If this were the case it would mean 310 000 accidental pregnancies in Britain every year. In fact, this is likely to be a conservative estimate. Because Anne Fleissig conducted her research into the circumstances in which womens new babies were conceived, her sample did not include women who had conceived but ended the pregnancy by an abortion.When these unplanned pregnancies are considered as well, it suggests the real extent of accidental pregnancy is even higher than, perhaps as high as 50 per cent of all conceptions. fit in to the Olaitan Olukunmi Lanre, 2011, Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 5 336-339, the findings were that unprotected sexual intercourse and poor parental care are the causes of unwanted pregnancy while exhalation of educational programme and medical complicatio ns for both the mothers and children are the effects of unwanted pregnancy.Abstinence and adequate teaching of sex education have been seen as measures to sustain unwanted pregnancy among the adolescents. It was recommended among others that sex education should taught as a subject at the secondary level and government should enact laws to compel parents to take meet care of their children to avoid all forms of immorality among the adolescents.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Chapter 34
Chapter 34Hell Breaks LooseA wave of anxiety water-washed over Jody as she woke up. Tommy, she c t issue ensembleed. She leaped step to the fore of bed and went into the living ara, non stopping to turn on the light.Tommy?The loft was quiet. She checked the answering machine no messages.Im not going to do this again, she thought. I cant handle another night of worrying.Shed cleaned up the mess from the police search the night before, put lemon oil on the wood, scrubbed out the sinks and the tubs, and watched cable TV until dawn. All the time she thought about what Tommy had said about sharing, about world with or soone who could understand what you proverb and how you mat up. She valued that.She valued someone who could run the night with her, someone who could hear the buildings breathe and watch the sidewalks glow with heat just after(prenominal) sundown. But she wanted Tommy. She wanted love. She wanted the blood-high and she wanted sex that touched her heart. She wante d excitement and she wanted security.She wanted to be part of the crowd, but she wanted to be an individual. She wanted to be human, but she wanted the strength, the senses, and the mental acuity of the lamia. She wanted it all.What if I had a choice, she thought, if that medical student could cure me, would I go butt to being human? It would mean that Tommy and I could stay together, but he would never bash the feeling of being a god, and neither would I. Never again.So I leave what then? Im alone. More alone than Ive ever been. I hatred being alone.She halt pacing and went to the window. The cop from the night before was out there, academic session in a brown Dodge, watching. The other cop had followed Tommy.Tommy, you jerk. Call me.The cop would know where Tommy was. But how to get him to tell? Seduce him? Use the Vulcan nerve vellicate? Sleeper hold?Maybe I should just go up there and knock on the door, Rivera thought. Inspector Alphonse Rivera, San Francisco PD. If you feed a few minutes, Id esteem to talk to you about being dead. How was it? Who did it? Did it piss you off?He adjusted himself in the car seat and took a sip from his coffee. He was trying to railyard his smoking. No more than four cigarettes an hour. He was in his forties now and he couldnt handle the four-pack-a-night stakeouts going home with his throat raw, his lungs seared, and a vicious anguish in his sinuses. He checked his watch to see if enough time had passed since hed last lit up. Almost. He rolled down the car window and something caught him by the throat, cutting off his breath. He dropped his coffee, feeling the scald in his lap as he reached in his jacket for his gun. Something caught his hand and held it like a exile trap.The hand on his throat relaxed a bit and he sucked in a short breath. He assay to turn his head and the clamp on his throat cut off his breath again. A pretty face came through the window.Hi, Jody said. She loosened her get by on his throa t a degree.Hi, Rivera croaked.Feel the grip on your wrist?Rivera felt the bear trap on his wrist tighten, his hand went numb, and his whole arm lit up with pain.YesOkay, Jody said. Im pretty sure I can crush your windpipe before you could move, but I wanted you to be sure too. You sure?Rivera tried to nod.Good. Your partner followed Tommy last night. Do you know where they are now?Again Rivera attempted to nod. On the seat next to him, the cell phone chirped.She released his arm, snatched the gun out of his shoulder holster, flipped off the safety, and pointed it at his head, all before he could draw a single breath. Take me there, she said.Elijah Ben Sapir watched the red dots moving around on the video screen above his face. He had awaken feeling gleeful about killing the fledglings toy boy, then he saw that his home had been invaded. He was hit with an emotion so rare it took him a while to recognize it. Fear. It had been a long time since hed been afraid. It felt good.The dots o n the screen were moving around on the stern of the boat, scrambling in and out of the master(prenominal) cabin above. Every few mhos a dot would disappear off the screen, then reappear. They were getting in and out of a raft at the stern.The vampire reached up and flipped a series of toggle switches. The with child(p) diesels on either side of his miss roared to life. Another toggle and an electric winch began grinding in the anchor.Move, move, move Tommy shouted into the cabin. The engines started.Barry came through the hatch carrying a bronze statue of a ballerina. Tommy waited at the stern of the yacht with Drew. Troy Lee, Lash, Jeff, Glint, and the Emperor and his troops were already in the raft, trying to find room to move around the paintings and statues.Over, Tommy said, taking the statue from Barry as the squat diver went over the side into the arms of the waiting Animals, almost tump over the raft. Tommy threw the statue down to the Emperor, who caught it and went to the floor of the raft with its weight.Tommy threw a leg over the railing, and looked spinal column. Light it, Drew. at a timeDrew bent and held his lighter to the end of a wax-coated strip of cloth that ran across the stern deck and through the hatch to the main cabin. He watched the blast follow the trail for a few feet, then stood and joined Tommy at the rail. Its going.They went over the rail backward and the Animals obliged them by stepping deviation and letting them both hit the floor of the raft unimpeded. The raft lurched and effectiveed itself. Tommy fought for breath to give a command.Paddle, men the Emperor shouted.The Animals began to beat the water with their paddles. There was a loud clunking noise from the yacht as the transmission engaged and the raft was rocked as the partner off screws engaged and began pushing the yacht away from them.Rivera, Rivera said into the cell phone.The yacht is moving, Cavuto said. I think I just aided these guys in looting it. He u nzipped a leather case on the car seat, revealing a huge chrome-plated automatic shooting iron, a Desert Eagle.50-caliber. It fired bullets roughly the weight of a small dog and kicked like a jackhammer. oneness shot could reduce a cinder block to gravel.Im on my way, Rivera said.What about the girl? Cavuto slammed a habilitate into the Desert Eagle, dropped another one into his jacket pocket.Shes shell be fine. Im at Van Ness and Lombard. Ill be there in about three minutes. Dont call in backup.Im not oh Jesus ChristWhat?The fucking thing just blew up.A fountain of flame shot from the stern of the Sanguine II, a second passed, and the sojourn of the yacht disappeared in a cloud of flame that rose into the sky above her. She had cleared the breakwater and was perhaps three hundred yards out into the bay when the fuse reached Drews incendiary cocktail.The raft had just made the roselle when the explosion went off. Tommy leaped onto the dock and watched the mushroom cloud dissipate. The shock wave rolled in and Tommy reached back to the raft and caught the Emperor before he went into the water.Debris rained down around them. A pool of fire and unexploded diesel fuel spread out across the water, illuminating the whole area with a dancing bright orange.Is this a party boat, or what? Drew shouted.The Animals scrambled out of the raft onto the dock and began handing up the objets dart. Tommy stood aside and watched the burn. Bummer cowered in the Emperors arms.Do you think we got him?Jeff handed the Degas ballerina to Troy and looked over his shoulder. Fucking A, we got him. Nice mix, Drew.Drew took a succumb and almost went over the edge of the dock.The Emperor said. I cant help but think that the explosion may have attracted the attention of the authorities, gentlemen. I would recommend a speedy retreat.Drew looked at the burning slick. I wish I had some acid. This would be great on acid.Jeff jumped down into the raft and handed up the last painting, the Miro. He looked past Troy Lee, who was wrestling up the heavy frame, and said, Whoops.What? Troy said.Jeff nodded past him and the Animals sour around. Cavuto had a very large, very shiny pistol pointed at them.No one moveThey didnt. The fizgigguns were stacked on the dock. Glint held the shotgun loosely at his side as he prayed. He dropped it. cut it, Cavuto said.I did, said Clint.Thats true, he did, Tommy said. And before you asked. He should get extra credit for that.Cavuto motioned with the pistol. Everybody down. On your faces. Now The Animals dropped. Lazarus barked.The Emperor stepped forward. Officer, these young men have Now Cavuto screamed. The Emperor dropped to the dock with the Animals.The screens went dark an instant before he was slammed against the side of the vault. He tumbled inside, feeling his flesh burn on the steel with every turn. The vault glowed red with the heat and had filled with smoke from the seared wires and the vampires clothing.After a few se conds the tumbling stopped. The vampire was jammed into one end of the vault, his face against his knees. His fell was stinging and he tried to will it to heal, but it had been days since he had fed, so the healing came slowly.He located the lid by finding the slopped CRT and radar screens. Salt water sprayed in a fine mist from behind the screens. He pushed on the lid but it didnt move. He felt for the latches and released them, then heaved against the lid with force that would have crumpled a car fender, yet the lid stayed fast. The heat of the explosion had welded it shut.I should have killed him last week, the vampire thought. This is what I get for indulging my pleasures. He reached into the broken CRT, looking for the source of the spraying water, then concentrated his will and went to mist. The transition was slow, weak as he was, but when he had finally lost his solid form he followed the path of the water and wormed his way through the pinhole to the open ocean.The vault lay on the bottom in a hundred and twenty feet of water and as soon as the vampire escaped, the pressure of four atmospheres condensed him to his solid shape. He tried to force himself to mist, failed, then swam toward the orange glow at the surface, thinking, The boy dies first, then a new suit.He broke the surface in the midst of the flame slick, then scissor-kicked hard enough to bring himself completely out of the water and tried to go to mist. His limbs dissolved in the air, their vapor whipped by the flame and stand out white in the rolling black diesel smoke, but he could not hold. He fell back into the water, followed by a commotion of vapor that condensed back to solid form under water. Frustrated and angry, he began the swim around the breakwater toward the yacht club.Cavuto panned the Desert Eagle back and away across the heads of the prostrated Animals as he moved forward to get their weapons. Lazarus growled and backed away as the big cop approached. Sirens sounded i n the distance. Crew members and yacht owners were soda out of the hatches of nearby yachts like curious prairie dogs.Inside Cavuto shouted, and the yachters ducked for cover.Cavuto heard footsteps on the dock behind him and swung quickly around. The gate guard, looking down the cavelike barrel of the Eagle, stopped as if hed hit a force field. Cavuto swung back to cover the Animals.Over his shoulder Cavuto said, Go back to the gate and call nine-one-one. Tell them to send me some backup.Right, the guard said.All right, scumbags, youre under arrest. And if any of you even twitches, Ill turn you into a red stain. You have the rightThe vampire came out of the water like a wet comet and landed on the dock behind the Animals. He was burned black and his clothes hung in sooty shreds. Cavuto fired without thinking and missed. The vampire looked up long enough to grin at him, then reached down and snatched Tommy by the back of his shirt and yanked him up like a rag doll.Cavuto aimed and f ired again. The second shot hit the vampire in the thigh, taking out a three-inch chuck of flesh. The vampire dropped Tommy, turned on Cavuto, and leaped. The third bullet caught the vampire in the abdomen, the impact spraying flesh and spinning him in the air like a football. He landed in a heap at Cavutos feet. The big cop tried to back away to get another shot off, but before he could aim, the vampire snatched the gun out of his hand, taking most of the skin off his trigger finger. He leaped backward, clawing inside his jacket for his detective special as the vampire tossed the Desert Eagle over his shoulder and climbed to his feet. You are a dead man, he growled.Cavuto watched the gaping wounds in the vampires leg and stomach pulsing, bubbling, and filling with smoke. He caught the butt of his revolver just as the vampire leaped, his fingers outstretched to drive into Cavutos chest.Cavuto ducked, heard a hiss and a loud thunk, and looked up, amazed that he was still alive. The v ampire had stopped an inch from him. A gleaming spear through his leg had pinned him to the dock. The black kid stood a few yards away, a gas-powered speargun in hand.The vampire wrenched himself around and clawed at the spear. Cavuto yanked out his gun, but with his alter finger he ended up flinging it off the dock. He heard the sound of tires behind him, then a car orgasm down the dock. A second spear thunked through the vampires shoulder.Tommy threw the speargun aside. The Animals were all on their feet. Troy, throw me the brandTroy Lee picked up the contend sword from the deck and threw it at Tommy. Tommy sidestepped the sword whizzed by him and clattered on the dock near Cavuto, who was standing motionless, stunned at almost seeing his own death.Handle first, you doofus, Tommy said as he ran after the sword.The vampire yanked the spear out of his shoulder and reached for the one in his leg.The Emperor picked up his wooden sword from the deck and charged the vampire. Lash ca ught him by the collar, yanking him aside as Barry fired a third spear, hitting the vampire in the hip. Jeff let go with a blast from the shotgun.The vampire jerked with the impact of the shot and screamed.Tommy dived for the fighting sword at Cavutos feet. The big cop lifted him to his feet.Thanks, Tommy said.Youre welcome, Cavuto said.I didnt kill those people.Im figuring that out, Cavuto said.A brown car skidded to a stop on the dock. Tommy looked up for an instant, then turned and headed toward the vampire, who was clawing at the spear in his leg. His wounds bubbled and seethed with vapor his body was trying to heal even as new damage was inflicted on it.Tommy brocaded the sword over the vampires head and closed his eyes.No It was Jodys voice.Tommy opened his eyes. Jody was on her knees, shielding the vampire, who had given up the struggle and was waiting for the final blow. No, Jody said. Dont kill him.Tommy displace the sword. Jody looked at Jeff, who still held the shotgun. No, she said. Jeff looked at Tommy, who nodded. Jeff lowered the shotgun.Kill the fiend, now cried the Emperor, still struggling against Lashs hold on his coat.No, Jody said. She pulled the spear out of the vampires leg and he screamed. She patted his head. One more, she said quietly. She yanked the spear out of his hip and he gasped.Jody propped the vampire up on her lap. The Animals and Cavuto stood watching, not sure what to do. Clint prayed quietly, barely audible over the approaching siren.Blood, the vampire said. He looked into Jodys eyes. Yours.Give me that sword, Tommy. Jody said.He hesitated and raised the sword to strike.No She covered the vampire with her body.But Jody, hes killed people.You dont know anything, Tommy. They were all going to die anyway.Get out of the way.Jody turned to Cavuto. Tell him. All the victims were terminally ill, werent they?Cavuto nodded. The coroner said that none of them had more than a few months.Tommy was almost in tears. He killed Simon.Sim on had AIDS, Tommy.No way. non Simon. Simon was the animal of the Animals.He was hiding it from you guys. He was scared to death. Now, please, give me the sword.No, get out of the way.Tommy reared back for the killing blow. He felt a hand on his shoulder, then another one catch his sword arm and pull it down. He looked around to see the Emperor.Let him go, son. The measure of a mans power is the discernment of his mercy. Give me the sword. The killing is over.The Emperor worked the sword out of Tommys grip and handed it to Jody. She took it, ran the blade across her wrist, then held the wound to the vampires mouth. He took her arm in his hold and drank.Jody looked at Cavuto. Your partner is handcuffed to the wheel of the car. Get him and walk away before anyone else gets here. I need the car. I dont want to be followed either.Cavuto dropped back into cop mode. Bullshit.Go get your partner and go. Do you want to explain this?What?All this. Jody pulled her arm out of the vampires m outh and gestured around the dock. Look, the murders will stop. I promise. Were leaving and were never coming back. So let it drop. And leave Tommy and these guys alone.Or what? Cavuto said.Jody cradled the old vampire and lifted him as she stood up. Or well come back. She carried the vampire to the cruiser and put him in the back seat and crawled in with him. Rivera was sitting in the front seat. Cavuto came to the side of the car and handed his handcuff key through the window to Rivera.I told you, Rivera said.Cavuto nodded. Were fucked, you know? We have to let them go.Rivera unlocked the handcuffs and got out of the car. He stood next to Cavuto, not sure what to do next.Jody stuck her head out the back window of the cruiser. Come on, Tommy, you drive.Tommy turned to the Emperor, who nodded for him to go, then to the Animals. You guys, get that stuff off the dock. In Troys car. Get out of here. Ill call you at the store tomorrow.Tommy shrugged, got in the car, and started it. What now?To the loft, Tommy. He needs a dark place to heal.Im not comfortable with this, Jody. I want you to know that. Id like to know what your relationship is to this guy.The vampire moaned.Drive, she said.They pulled off the dock, leaving the Animals scrambling around assemblage the art and the two policemen staring at them in amazement.She said, I love you, Tommy, but I need someone whos like me. Someone who understands. You know how that is, right?So you run off with the first rich older guy that comes along?Hes the only one, Tommy. She stroked the vampires burned hair. I dont have any choice. I hate being alone. And if he died, then Id never know about what I am.So you two are going away? Youre leaving me?I wish I could think of some other way. Im sorry.I knew youd break my heart.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Are we too dependent on technology? Essay
Our ever-advancing technological world is subjected to both amazement and criticism. Technology has manifested itself into a form desire a virus imprinted into us. As a result of which a question is posed to all of society, or those mainly in use of technology, are we too dependent on technology? There are those who believe that technology has taken over our daily lives, those who think that it only stands to benefit us and close to who dont think or care about its effects.The consensus that we are becoming too dependent on technology is one not so unbelievable. We all know for the most part that technology has integrated itself to just about everything that we do. For example, how many times do you soften your phone, or go online to check your email or even play a video game. These are common examples of things we do daily without even realizing that these technologies have taken over our lives. film more People Have Become Overly Dependent on TechnologyTechnology can be viewed as a beneficiary to our lives sooner than monster waiting to bear its fangs. It goes without saying that technology has both greatly improved our lives by making it simpler. Yes, technology has deprived us of some skills such as doing simple chore but the benefits outweigh its cost. For instance, the invention of the phone has revolutionized the way we communicate with others worldwide. Technology is only meant to make our lives easier.Being on the get by is a simple concept to understand, simply just cant pick a side or dont. Simply on that point are those who enjoy the use of technology, those who find it deprives us of mental growth and those who dont care what happens when its used. Though technology can have a strong grip on our lives we arent stupefied without it. The matters of whether technology controls us or benefits us shouldnt make a difference on how we live. We opt to live life like this and may or may not have known what might have happened, but once chosen there is no turning back.Overall, society today has accepted all technologies in one form or another.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius Essay
Life was different prickle in the 1880s. The teleph wiz had just been invented, James Garfield was president, and doctors apply heroin and cocaine as medicine. Alas, m both doctors knew very little about medicine. Oftentimes unsafe and unsterile practices were employ on patients. The NY Times reports that, At least a dozen medical experts probed the President Garfields wound, often with unsterilized metal instruments or bare hands, as was common at the time.Historians agree that massive infection, which resulted from unsterile practices, contributed to Garfields death. One man suggested that they turn the president upside down and see if the bullet would just excise out. Because of their usual lack of success, doctors did non charge very much for their services it was very affordable close to of the time, even for middle class families. However, as time and technology progressed, the cost of health share and medical instruments dramatically rose.In his New Deal package, Pres ident Roosevelt proposed a invoke-run health business concern system with compulsory health policy for state residents, but states could choose whether to participate. The federal government would earmark some subsidies and set minimum standards that the state had to adhere by. While the proposal did not pass, the idea of universal healthcare reportage for everyone stuck. Since Roosevelt, every superstar Democratic President elected into office has attempted to pass a version of universal health care, but none have achieved the feat.That is, until President Obama was sworn into office in January 2009. In his 2008 presidential campaign, he made healthcare reform a central issue. Both parties adopted their version of reform, but since Democrats held a studyity in the House and the Senate at the time, their version was the one that passed. On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama write into law of nature the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (dubbed by many Re unexclusiveans as ObamaCare). agree to the White House, it claims quatern key components of the law stronger consumer rights and protections (which includes a exile on lifetime limits, a ban on denying children health insurance based on pre-existing conditions, and a ban on coverage cancellations), more affordable coverage (Private insurers must(prenominal) provide justification for double-digit increases in premiums), better access to care (Preventative screenings for cancer are promptly free), and stronger Medicare (Provides relief to seniors who cannot afford prescription drugs).Since insurance companies are require to provide care, it makes sense to corrupt insurance only when you need it. In other words, wait until you get chuck to buy insurance, because they cannot turn you down. In order to combat this, the law includes an individual mandate, which requires anyone that can afford it to buy health insurance, or pay a penalty to the IRS. In essence, this is the part of the law that pa ys for it all. This is also the air division many Republicans hate. In their philosophy, the government cannot force someone to buy some affaire they may or may not need.They argued that this law was un extreme, and they sued in federal tourist court to have the law nullified. There were three cases overall one from the states (Florida v. U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. ), one from the federal government (U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. v. Florida), and one from the National union of Independent Business (Natl Fed. of Independent Bus. v. Sebelius). Due to conflicting legal opinions from the lower courts in different jurisdictions, the coercive judicature decided to figure the case to settle the differences.From March 26th to March 28th, 2012, the Supreme approach comprehend oral arguments from both sides. On the first day, the court heard argument over whether the valuate Anti-Injunction Act passed into law in 1867 barred the Supreme Court from even making a f inis in this case. The Tax Anti-Injunction Act says, No suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any revenue shall be maintained in any court by any person, whether or not such person is the person against whom such evaluate was assessed. Basically, it means that you cannot sue the government for a tax you believe is unfair, until you have already salaried that tax.This was passed into law to prevent people from filing lawsuits against the government to subjugate paying taxes. Potentially, this could mean that no one can challenge the constitutionality of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) until someone has actually paid the penalty. At the earliest, they could sue on April 15th, 2015. The Supreme Court held that since Congress specifically labeled the seconds of the mandate as a penalty rather than a tax, the Anti-Injunction Act did not apply to this case, and that the court had the authority to hear the arguments. On the second day, the court heard argu ments over whether the ndividual mandate component of the ACA fell under the constitutional powers of Congress.There were two arguments from the Solicitor Generals side (the ones supporting the constitutionality of the ACA) the ACA was constitutional under the transaction clause, and that the ACA was constitutional under the taxing power of Congress. The states (the ones claiming the ACA is unconstitutional) argued that Congress could not create commerce for it to regulate, and that the law set forth the consequences of the mandate a penalty, in that reputefore it is not a tax. On the third day, the court heard arguments on the severability of the law.They questioned whether the ACA could survive if the court struck down the individual mandate. In the end, in a 5-4 decision, the court upheld the individual mandate component of the ACA as a valid exercise of the taxing power of Congress. They cerebrate that a financial penalty for not buying something constituted a non-direct ta x. Because it is a non-direct tax, it is not required to be apportioned among the several states. The justices that voted for the constitutionality of the law are the four liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and the conservative heading Justice John Roberts.The justices that voted against the constitutionality of the law are the other four conservative justices Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas. John Roberts was the key joggle vote. When asked why he voted for a law he is personally against, Chief Justice John Roberts responded, The Framers created a Federal Government of limited powers, and assigned to this Court the duty of enforcing those limits. The Court does so today. But the Court does not express an opinion on the wisdom of the Affordable Care Act. Under the Constitution, that judgment is dumb to the people.In my opinion, I applaud the decision of the Court. From the beginning, I thought the penalty was a tax I assumed it was called a penalty for political purposes. People would not like the idea of a tax increase. In reality, the penalty is collected in the same manner as a tax, so there are no real differences between the two. I have also gained a newfound respect for Chief Justice John Roberts. I think it is commendable to put the law in scarecrow of your personal beliefs. He has done exactly what is expected of a Supreme Court justice. If I were a Supreme Court justice, I would have made he same decision that he and the four liberal justices made.There are two types of consequences this law holds political and provisional. The provisional consequences of the law are the ones this instant stated in the law a ban on lifetime limits, Medicaid expansion, etc. The political consequences of this law are not explicitly stated, however they can be inferred and speculated upon. There are three major political consequences. The first consequence is that Obama can claim a ma jor victory. He can now say his law withstood a Supreme Court challenge and passed the constitutionality test.A defeat would have been cock-a-hoop for the administration and the campaign. Instead, he has a chance to re-energize his base and reinstate the flow of campaign cash. The second consequence is that now that the law is no longer a legal issue, it becomes a campaign issue. Both Obama and Romney must sell voters on Obamacare. The court ruling could have stir a shift in public opinion among commutative voters, and both candidates must appeal to this shift. Obama allow insist this law was the right thing to do, while Romney pull up stakes propose a new healthcare reform bill.The third consequence is that the ruling will enrage Republicans and make them more eager to vote for Romney so he can rear the law. Voter turnout is expected to be lower than it was in 2008, and anything that can increase the turnout will be beneficial for Romney. This law and its subsequent legal chal lenge have major political consequences. Whether you love in the 1880s or in the present day, chances are you will need health care at some point in your life. Ever since President Roosevelt proposed universal health care back in the 1930s, many politicians have tried to pass it into law.Until the ACA, it was considered politically impossible the idea just did not appeal to voters. The law has withstood a major legal challenge, and it will be up to Obama and Romney to convince independent voters that their version of healthcare reform is the best. If Obama wins the election, in 2014 everyone that can afford it must buy health insurance, whether they requirement to or not. If they dont, they will pay a tax equivalent to 1% of their income. If Romney wins the election, he will try to repeal the ACA and replace it with a reform package of his own. Only time will retell what will happen.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sample Pr Campaign
Communications Plan Addressing Most Pressing Reputational Issues set some Livestrong Background of current issue facing Livestrong inception transmit Armstrong the 7 time Tour De France winner, crabmeat survivor and undercoating chairman of the Livestrong Foundation, has been facing a lot of conjure upure and criticism from the media and the worldly concern ascribable to t push through ensembleegations of doping made by the United States Anti Doping Agency (BBC, 2012). On October 17 2012 Armstrong resigned as Chairman referable to allegation of doping (Mary, 2012).In November 2012, ray of light Armstrong officially stepped down from the board of directors and ended his draw with the Livestrong Foundation which was then cognize as The light beam Armstrong Foundation (Mclaggan, 2012 Vertuno, 2012). However, despite this, the opinion of the concourse towards the Livestrong Foundation is one of prejudice. Many companies who form-only(prenominal)ly endorsed Armstrong pr olong dropped him from their campaigns. Some of these companies were Nike, Trek Bicycles, Giro, FRS (energy products), and 24 Hours Fitness (Petchesky, 2012).Various reasons were given by the heads of these organizations as to why Armstrong was dropped. FRS Chief of Marketing commented this seems like a good time to part instructions spell 24 Hours Fitness stated our business relationship with Armstrong no longer aligns with our companys flush and values (Schrotenboer, 2012). These and many more statements were made in regards to the doping allegations. Armstrongs reputation and enter is currently deteriorating rapidly.There are many opinions from segments of society (such as the frequent and the media,) regarding the Livestrong Foundation by and by this alleged scandal. Here is a sketch overview of the situation from various stakeholders (See Appendix for Livestrong Foundation view) The Public The public had varied opinions. There has been one air division of people who ha ve stood strongly by Lance Armstrong and the Livestrong Foundation. They stand by the fact that the cornerstone is lock approximately questioning a cure for malignant neoplastic disease and so it entrust al focusings be respected in the eyes of the community.Lou Hablas has supported Livestrong for years and worn the iconic xanthous bracelet in honor of his uncle, stepm some other and friends who have lost loved ones to malignant neoplastic disease. The 49-year-old Georgia resident says hell wait to snap off the bracelet despite news that fort cyclist Lance Armstrong is stepping down as chairman of the charity he founded 15 years ago. just the poster of Armstrong oversteping his Discovery squadmates in the team time trial at the 2005 Tour de France is coming down from his office wall amid news that the U. S.Anti-Doping Agency found overwhelming evidence of Armstrongs involvement in doping as a professional cycler. What Lance initiated through the formation of a substruc ture in his learn and efforts through Livestrong far exceed this formal and seemingly final recognition of Lances fallibility, Cancer sucks and it is much big than Lance Armstrong Hablas said in an interview with CNN (CNN, 2012). The feeling of Lou Hablas mirrors the feeling of millions around the world. While they still continue to strongly support the Livestrong, their respect for Lance Armstrong has diminished due to the doping incident.They are able to sepa deem the foundation from Lance Armstrong and the controversy environ Lance Armstrong does not change their opinion on the Livestrong Foundation. On the other go across, there has similarly been a erect segment of the public who have lost their faith in the Livestrong Foundation. Wendy Adams of Manchester, Pennsylvania, and her sisters have been hold uping their yellow bracelets since their yield was diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer in 2004. When her father died in 2005, the family respected his wish to be cre mated wearing the bracelet and spent $200 dollars on the bracelets for family and friends to hand out.Now, she says she cant wear the bracelet with pride anymore be display case of its connection to Armstrong and the organization. She has taken it off and vows to never again wear it. She says Lance is Livestrong, he is the face of hope. And when that face is that of a liar, a manipulator, for me? I cant wear it with pride anymore. (Ibid) because we see that the public has different opinions regarding the Livestrong Foundation after Lance Armstrongs doping scandal. But the vast volume of people are able to distinguish between the Livestrong Foundation and Lance Armstrong.They recognize that the Livestrong Foundation is rough cancer which is much bigger than Lance Armstrong and the foundation havent suffer due to the Lance Armstrong scandal. The Media The media has been canvass the Livestrong Foundation closely after the Lance Armstrong doping scandal. The Livestrong Foundation has been under intense scrutiny recently. Bill Gifford, a journalist from OUTSIDE magazine, released an denomination stating that the Livestrong Foundation doesnt in fact do much to breed research to find a cancer cure (Gifford 2012).He states in his article Equally interesting is what the foundation doesnt do. Most peopleincluding nearly everybody I surveyed while reporting this invoiceassume that Livestrong funnels large amounts of money into cancer research. Nope. The foundation gave out a total of $20 million in research grants between 1998 and 2005, the year it began phasing out its support of hard science. A note on the foundations website informs visitors that, as of 2010, it no longer even accepts research proposals (Ibid. ).Gifford also goes on to say that the primary ending of the Livestrong Foundation is to advertise and promote Lance Armstrong as he is the face of the foundation. He says I found a curiously fuzzy mix of cancer-war goals like survivorship and global a wareness, labels that seem to entail plastering the yellow Livestrong logo on everything from T-shirts to medical conferences to soccer stadiums. Much of the foundations work ends up buffing the image of one Lance Edward Armstrong, which seems fairafter all, Livestrong wouldnt exist without him.But Livestrong spends massively on advertising, PR, and branding, all of which helps concern Armstrongs marketability at a time when hes under fire. Such stakeholder viewpoints illustrate that Livestrong has to be careful in all its future endeavors as it is under constant scrutiny due to the doping allegations surrounding Lance Armstrong. This may have serious impacts related to the loss of Livestrongs reputation and hence the gainsay is in disassociating the Livestrong brand from its founder Lance Armstrong.The message must be communicated that Livestrong is about the scramble against cancer at a global level, rather than a mere doping scandal by its founder. - The key issues set previ ously in this report highlight the importance of rebuilding Livestrongs brand image in a manner that refocuses public prudence towards Livestrongs over-arching agenda and manifesto To fight cancer with purpose in the face of adversity.The following communications plan outlining key aims, objectives, strategies and tactics has been produced with this message at heart. The formal severing of ties with Lance Armstrong, are the first move taken by the Livestrong Foundation towards this process. - conformation 1 Key Aims * Identify key stakeholders that are currently affected by the crisis, who it may affect and why. * focus public attention towards cancer victims and inspirational cancer fighters supported by Livestrong. Ensure that communication is clear, compelling, continuous, concordant and sustained. * Ensure that fitting, understanding and commitment amongst internal stakeholders is achieved in relation to implementing strategies and tactics to overcome crisis. promotional pipeline Public Relations Objective Honest and sincere Acknowledgement of the problem Livestrong is facing, the execute taken and highlight the need to focus on the true adversary cancer itself. schema Communicate in amount to internal and external stakeholders within the next 6 months.Tactics 1) Organising a pack conference A part that holds a prominent role in the Livestrong Foundation get out address the public. In preparation for the machinate conference, the translator give be given well(p) media training beforehand in responding to questions by the press such as What is Livestrongs current stance on doping? How does Livestrong plan to attract boons when its founding appendage can no longer inspire donors or call on celebrity contacts? Who lead lead the organisation now that Armstrong has stepped down?What entrust be the next go of the charity? etc. (More questions will be prepared for media training, closer towards the launch of the press conference). The Spoke sperson will begin the conference by acknowledging the doping allegations made towards Livestrongs former founder which have resulted in the foundation formally severing ties with Lance Armstrong. The spokesperson will then, make it explicit that it was a necessary decision made with the true cause at chief Fighting Cancer, which at the moment is not receiving ull attention by the foundation and its public due to Armstrongs doping allegations. The spokesperson will highlight the significant difference made by the Livestrong Foundation in its long-term fight against cancer through conducting educational programs emphasising on healthy lifestyle, anti-stigma campaigns and Grassroots fundraising events all done in order to raise awareness, affix outreach and facilitate collaboration in an effort to alter the situation of cancer patients.Furthermore, the spokesperson will highlight that it is important for the public to keep in mind these contributions made by Livestrong in the figh t against cancer and will advise the public to look at two separate people Lance Armstrong the cycling champion allegedly turned drug-user and Lance Armstrong the cancer fighter and symbol of inspiration of which the latter was the reason for Livestrongs success until this point.Not only does Livestrong reach out to cancer patients, but also to those who look for inspiration, determination and hope, in their darkest hours of need. After these key points are made, the spokesperson will invite the press for a Q&A session. 2) Distributing press releases and feature articles online and offline Firstly, a count of press releases will be distributed to key media outlets (offline) and wired agencies (e. g. Reuters online), raising and addressing similar points to that of the press conference.Secondly, feature stories focusing on Livestrong Foundation support given to local and national cancer victims and their families will be distributed (both online and offline) in local and national m edia outlets. These stories will focus on an angle showing the determination of the cancer victims, survivors and their families and how Livestrong aids them in this journey through emotional and financial support essentially, communicating in a compelling way to engage the public with Livestrong.Further, by distributing a considerable number of press releases and feature stories online, it would ensure that members of the public will encounter such stories which focus on Livestrongs positive impact on society, in effect, proving to be a cost effective-method achieving search engine optimisation (SEO). 3) Social media engagement Firstly, a depiction release will be made (utilising YouTube) featuring the inward board chairman of the foundation Jeff Garvey, who outlines the next steps that will be taken by the Livestrong Foundation followed by the severing of ties with its former chairman Lance Armstrong.This would of importly involve giving undivided attention towards the Livest rong Foundation mission in providing free financial, applicative and emotional support services for cancer survivors and their families. This video will then be attached to Livestrongs website, Facebook page, Twitter account and Blog. This will be followed by an invitation to the public to give their honest opinion about Livestrong and suggest ideas about what steps the foundation could take in order to better contribute to its fight against cancer.In addition, a competition will be posted on Facebook and Twitter announcing that the winner who suggests the most yeasty and engaging idea will have their name as part of the next Livestrong campaign title and the opportunity take part as one of the campaign team leaders. Not only will this type of approach promote symmetrical communication between Livestrong and the Public, but also indirectly suggests that Livestrong is exhausting its best to move past the Lance Armstrong doping scandal and refocus all its energy towards fighting cancer. ) Establishing an Intranet governance for internal stakeholders of the Livestrong Foundation Given the possibility that not all members, employees and shareholders may be aware of the acerbity of the issue concerning Lance Armstrongs alleged doping scandal and the strategic action taken to repair Livestrongs reputation an intranet will be open up to provide the latest information on the issue and steps taken to rebuilding Livestrongs brand image in a manner that refocuses public attention towards Livestrongs battle against cancer.The intranet page will be maintained by a trained team who will monitor current problems, predict any future revelations and watch the movements of public and media opinion closely. This will also provide the opportunity for internal stakeholders to ask questions, post responses, and contribute ideas about the crisis in a community sphere. Measurement and Evaluation Firstly, feedback could be gained from journalists, who will attend the press con ference, on whether the responses given by the Livestrong Foundation were sufficient in communicating Livestrongs future intentions and vision purely focused on battling cancer.The press releases and feature stories will be evaluated in relation to how consistent, clear and compelling they are in producing communication outcomes (e. g. Whether the key message was fully, partially, incorrectly, negative/positively, etc. conveyed . In relation to evaluating the level of public engagement with neighborly media, they will be measured according to the tone of communication. For example, whether the blog, twitter and Facebook responses by the public, were positive, balanced, neutral or negative.Furthermore, this will also be measured by tracking levels of public engagement. E. g. whether target audiences are Lurking, Casual, Active, affiliated or Loyal. The activity on the intranet will be measured in a similar forge although it would also include tracking the amount of internal stakeh older response within a period of 6 months. Given that the above strategies and tactics are successful and meet the objective, the Livestrong Foundation can move towards the second phase which involves creatively utilising the promotional channels of Advertising and Viral Marketing.Note The above strategies were considered after examining the cases of Sony and Dell when they set about a product defect issue where they avoided damages to their reputation through responses received through their established crisis website (Larkin and Register, 200863) Further, the case concerning the rebranding of Scope the charity organisation for cerebral palsy was also examined in detail (Scope, 2012). - - PHASE 2 Promotional Channel AdvertisingObjective Ensure a new and improved understanding of Livestrong by the public. Strategy Creating a new advertizing to broadcast Livestrongs new image. Tactics Two different publicizings will be made for two groups of audiences. 1. Advertisement directed towards the general public This advertisement features a elflike girl frolicking happily in a garden. The whole frame is colourful. Suddenly, a monster called cancer appears, and a thunder storm occurs. The little girl begins to cry in fear. At this time, a large number of Livestrong wristbands appear to fight the monster and protect the little girl.The wristbands knock the monster down and sunshine prevails. The guideword Let Livestrong Protect the One You Love then appears . The advertisement will be shot in the style of caricature which makes it simple and easy to comprehend. Even children will be able to understand the advertisement therefore, the target audience is broadened. This inspiration comes from dulcet Startthe campaign which is called up by Welsh administration to stop smoking in cars. This campaign used children as their starting points and inspired people fish filet smoking. ((2012). GOLLEY SLATER LAUNCHES FRESH START WALES. Online Last accessed celestial latit ude 13th). 2. Advertisement directed towards cancer survivors and their families The second advertisement is aimed at encouraging people who have suffered from cancer to be hopeful and to trust Livestrong. This advertisement will focus on the reliability of the Livestrong foundation. The advertisement has a black and white tone to portray peoples emotion after knowing that they get cancer. This scene will simply focus on the facial shots of people who have just found out that they have cancer. Sad music plays in the background to enhance the affect.After this, the Livestrong wristbands appear. The yellow color of the wristband symbolizes sunshine and how Livestrong can brighten the lives of those who suffer from this dread(a) disease. The advertisement ends with the frame being full of sunshine and smiles on the faces of the people who suffer from cancer. Platform These advertisements will be played in public places, such as subway stations and bus sugar because it has a wider rea ch in terms of viewers. Some posters with a similar theme will also be used as outdoor advertisements. There will also be a donation box near the screen.This is done because people will feel the need to donate immediately after viewing such a touching advertisement. Prediction It is estimated that 6 months into the advertising campaign, the awareness of Livestrong will increase by 30%. Also, the donation towards the Livestrong foundation will also increase about 10%. Promotional Channel Viral Marketing Objective Increase peoples awareness of Livestrong Strategy score advantage of genial media, such as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook to let more people know Livestrongs new image Tactics 1. Flash MobThere will be several flash mob activities in target cities, such as London and Manchester, which means organizing about 50 people at the city landmark wearing Livestrong apparel and repeat the Livestrongs slogan. All this will be recorded and broadcasted onto social media sites. This ta ctic is inspired by the popularity of Psys Gangnam Style. Gangnam Styles shoot to popularity is attributed to the effective use of social media through which it gained global recognition. 2. Twitter and Livestrong Another activity, mainly to do with Twitter, can also be undertaken.A wont designed poster stating Keep Calm and Trust Livestrong will be posted by Livestrong. every(prenominal) time the poster is re-tweeted, Livestrong will donate 1 pound towards a cancer rehabilitation center. This action will not only help people who suffer from cancer, but will also irritability the attention and interest of the people and increase brand awareness. Platform Social media will be the main platform for this strategy as it is currently more popular than traditional means of marketing. Social media will reach a very wide range of audience from the youth to the older generation.Also, the broadcasting induce of social media is faster compared to broadcasting via traditional means. - Predi ction In this six months campaign, Livestrongs exposure rate on social media will increase and people will have more positive aspects to debate about Livestrong. - Word Count 3,275 References British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). (2012), Lance Armstrong receives US Anti-Doping Agency charges. Online on tap(predicate) at http//www. bbc. co. uk/sport/0/cycling/18435771 Accessed 1 celestial latitude 2012.Burleigh, N. (2012), Will Livestrong Stay Strong? Online available at http//www. bicycling. com/news/featured-stories/will-livestrong-stay-strong? page=0,1 Accessed 1 celestial latitude 2012 CNN (2012) Livestrong bracelet To wear or not to wear?. Online. Available at http//www. cnn. co. uk/2012/10/18/living/lance-armstrong-livestrong-legacy/index. html Accessed 1 December 2012 Gifford, B. (2012), Its not about the lab rats. Online. Available at http//www. outsideonline. com/outdoor-adventure/athletes/lance-armstrong/Its-Not-About-the-Lab-Rats. tml? page=all Accessed 1 December 2012. Golly Slater (2012), Golly Slater launches Fresh Start Wales. Online. Available at http//www. golleyslater. co. uk/services/public-relations/news/news-detail. php? id=976 Accessed 29 November 2012 Livestrong (2012) Livestrong Milestones Online. Available at http//www. livestrong. org/Who-We-Are/Our-History/Milestones Accessed 10 December 2012. Maclaggan, C. (2012) Exclusive Livestrong cancer charity drops Lance Armstrong name from title Online. Available at http//www. chicagotribune. om/sports/olympics/sns-rt-us-cycling-armstrong-livestrongbre8ae000-20121114,0,6273785. story Accessed 1 December 2012. Mary, P. (2012) Armstrong Is Dropped by Nike and Steps Down as Foundation Chairman. Online. Available at http//www. nytimes. com/2012/10/18/sports/cycling/lance-armstrong-dropped-by-nike-steps-down-as-chairman-of-his-charity. html? pagewanted=all Accessed 1 December 2012. New York Times (2012) Times Topic Lance Armstrong. Online. Available at http//topics. nytimes. com/top/ref erence/timestopics/people/a/lance_armstrong/index. tml Accessed 1 December 2012. Petchsky, B. (2012), A full list of the brave brave companies that dropped lance Armstrong only after Nike did. Online Available at http//deadspin. com/5952679/a-full-list-of-the-brave-brave-companies-that-dropped-lance-armstrong-as-an-endorser-only-after-nike-did. Accessed 1 December 12. Regester, M. & Larkin, J. , (2008) Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations A Casebook of Best Practice. London Kogan Page. Schrotenboer, B. (2012), Livestrong lonesome(prenominal) 8 donors asked for their money back. Online. Available at http//www. usatoday. om/story/sports/cycling/2012/11/12/livestrong-lance-arms trong-doping/1700831/ Accessed 1 December 2012. Scope (2012), The Spastics Society to Scope The story of the name change and relaunch November in 1994. Online Available at http//www. scope. org. uk/sites/ evasion/files/pdfs/History/Scope_name_change. pdf Accessed 1 December 2012. Vertuno, J. (2012) Lance Armstrong Cuts Formal Ties to Livestrong, Resigns from Board Online. Available at http//www. therepublic. com/view/story/c98e415cc01346f19a7a67a12ead195f/CYCArmstrong-Livestrong Accessed1 December 2012.Wall Street Journal (2012) Statement by Lance Armstrong Online. Available at http//online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052702303734204577464962634804348. html Accessed 1 December 2012. APPENDIX The Livestrong Foundation Perspective of Lance Armstrons Allegations The Livestrong Foundation was ab initio very supportive of Lance Armstrong during the doping incident. However, Lance Armstrong stepped down from the board of directors of the foundation and ended all association with Livestrong. This was done to ensure that the negative publicity directed towards Lance Armstrong would not affect Livestrongs popularity.The incoming board chairman, Jeff Garvey, said that Armstrong was distancing himself from Livestrong to protect it against any damage resulting from his doping con troversy. Lance Armstrong was instrumental in changing the way the world views people affected by cancer, Garvey said. His devotion to serving survivors is unparalleled and for 15 years, he committed himself to that cause with all his heart. (The New York Times 2012). Livestrong CEO Doug Ulman, a cancer survivor himself, sees the scandal as little more than a sad distraction from a noble cause, and he sees no need for a formal distancing from Armstrong. This organization has never been stronger in terms of fulfilling our mission and the support that we receive from literally millions of people, he says. We are trying to tackle a global problem, the number one cause of decease around the world. And so the investigation unfortunately has become a distraction from our mission. We are literally, positively changing lives every day and we have so much more to do and to be pulled away and put off even for 10 minutes is
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